I wish it were different, but I’ve seen many mediocre ‘About’ pages amongst digital agencies that are miles away from being ‘kick-ass’.

Your ‘About’ page has the power to open doors for you.

It can get you onto the best shortlists for all the juiciest digital marketing projects.

If you’d like to learn how to turn yours into a lead-generating machine, it’s never too late to start to improve your ‘About Us’ page, you’re in the right place for inspiration and tips, so read on!

Below you’ll discover agency examples that’ll work whether you have a team or you’re a one-person agency show.

The role of about us pages during agency selection

Back when I was a marketing director, my job was to select digital agencies to work with, and more recently I’ve worked with them as a marketing coach.

In both roles, I looked at so many ‘About’ pages to judge what it would be like to work with each agency.

The best ‘About’ pages made it really easy to make a case for that agency to the board of directors or business owner.

They made me feel ‘FOMO’ (Fear Of Missing Out), because their agency culture is so cool that I wanted to be a part of it by working with the agency.

Read to the end of the post, where I’ll share with you the main mistakes you need to avoid. Plus I’ll list easy writing prompts to help you upgrade your own ‘About Us’ page with ease.

I’m on a mission to help you transform your ‘About Us’ page into one of your best sales tools for your agency.

about us page examples that show their agency Team

Are you by now wondering how your ‘About’ page could build more rapport and trust with your ideal clients?

Don’t panic! I’ve got two amazing examples from the digital agency world to inspire you!

You can build trust in this way on your ‘About Us’ page:

  • Put your audience first and talk about your client’s pain paints
  • Share success stories from your clients to highlights how you’ve solved their challenges
  • Offer social proof, including client testimonials, the number of projects you’ve worked on and links to your best recent projects
  • Be brave: ditch stock photos and show pictures of your team and office
  • Show your human side: share some stories about you and inject personality in your tone of voice

First About page example: GreenMellen

GreenMellen excel at putting their audience first, and they build trust on their brilliant ‘About Us’ page.

As you can see below, they lead with a super-approachable team photo: they’re walking, having fun and that’s a brilliant energy to bring across.

Your ‘About Us’ page needs to show who your clients will be working with, and GreenMellen do this brilliantly!

They call team members ‘shining stars’, and each person shares some unique facts about themselves, which is a lovely touch.